I have spent a lifetime being mentored…

Mentored by many people who have come across my path. From the people who are seen as fringe dwellers and outsiders with their addictions, to parents who showed all their love for children. To the great leaders of men and women. They have all taught me something about becoming a human being. Elders from our Nation and Elders from across the land. Isaugha, was instrumental in making me see the land with the eyes of wonder. My Kunshi showed me resiliency in the face of fear. She married into the Nation and was the outsider looking in. She stood for the women who were otherwise invisible. My disabled son taught me patience and compassion. His extended family showed nothing short of love. This was a step towards being humble and compassionate. These are the values of being a leader. Sometimes it means making decisions that provide for the many and not the few. I take the legacy left by all the Tsuut’ina people who have gone before and hold it as a sacred knowledge for the community to use for the future. This is why I choose to run for Xakiji once again. I am asking for your vote.

Social Justice/Change

I have always been about social change and social justice. It is about hitting a reset button. It can change a community. A voice given to the grassroots people who otherwise have been silenced for far too long. It brings about hope. Hope for the future During my tenure as Chief, I have witnessed and been asked to adjudicate, with my colleagues on Council, far too many cases ranging from banishments to sexual abuse. These difficult situations tear at our social and family bonds and in most cases many of our own Council members have to recuse themselves due to conflict. It is time that we establish an objective system based on traditional values that can work with the existing judiciary system and explore the validity of a sentencing circle to help heal the perpetrators, the victims the families and all those impacted. We have been talking about this for years. Some of this work is underway. This will be a priority for the next Council – we as Chief and Council are not equipped to make these decisions. I am asking you to keep that social change moving and making your vote count. Please vote for me.

A Women’s Centre

This has been on the back burner for a very long time. Our men’s shelter is a safe and accessible facility which helps many of our male community members. Sadly… We have no such facility for women. I did say that in the last election this was my wish and like many things it needs the will behind it. The will wasn’t strong enough. Now is the time to make it a reality I have been listening to the women, We need a Woman’s resource centre. I asked experts on our Nation about what is needed to address the challenges faced by our women, by our mothers – mental health, domestic violence, addiction, poverty. It will take about 2 years to get it built with all the planning needed and the feedback from the community A women’s centre that will be integrated with other social programs, our training program, our wrap-around initiative, will be a priority for the next leadership. I am asking for your vote to move this forward.


Good governance requires a code of ethics. Without it decisions are made at the whim of those in power. Tsuut’ina needs to solidify it’s Chief and Council code of ethics (in progress). It has to be voted on by the people and it gives guidance to all future Council’s in how to properly conduct themselves. Tsuut’ina also needs rules that the Xakiji (Chief) must abide by. Good governance should also show the balance of male and female council. 6 men and 6 women. The times have changed and it is time for the women of our Nation to speak with louder voices. Separation of business from politics by way of our business charter, an independent Ec. Dev. Board and a development trust to show financial transparency is happening. Join me and a new council that will continue down this path. Re-elect Xakiji Lee Crowchild.

The Rejuvenation of Spirit

“We look after the bundle and the bundle will look after us.” We address poverty by empowering our own communities to step away from ideas of entitlement and building capacity. It takes a community. Chief and Council are only one part of the solution. Guided by people who are guided by strong thinking and supported by prayer.

From Stanley JuniorBig Plume –Today was the Last official meeting of Tsuut’ina chief and council for the term 2017/2019. It has been an honour and blessing to serve with this chief and council I am truly grateful to have been elected to serve my Great nation for the past 3 years.Best wishes and good luck to all fellow candidates in the upcoming election.The Creator, our Land and People will choose our next leaders. Siiyasgaaz

Top photo: Bert Crowfoot, Windspeaker News

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