Please take a moment to check out my GoFundMe campaign:
Your support would mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!
– Lee Crowchild
More details below, or link here to donate and share.
Here’s what it is about:
Hello. My name is Chief Lee Crowchild. Former sitting Chief for Tsuut’ina Nation and I am running for National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations.
The time is now to “IGNITE THE FIRE” and envision a future Canada where the voices of the grassroots is heard through the mouths of the Chiefs of Canada.
I can’t do this alone and I humbly ask you to contribute to my fundraiser as I talk and meet with many Chiefs across Canada and listen to the voices of their communities.
We need the dialogue where the Chiefs can help their communities address the long standing issues of Housing, Jobs, Education, Water, Health, and Economic Development on their lands.
I am a person of vision and I would like to help guide the AFN in a direction that gives powerful voices to our leadership.
Together, with the rest of Canada, we will inspire ourselves to reach new heights with a renewed call for a Native Conscious Restrengthening.
No contribution is too small. but the time is short.
July 7th is vote day for the Chiefs of Canada and I have to meet financial realities and obligations
The sound of our ancestors voices is heard in the drums and heartbeats that exist inside you and it is awake.
I am here to give what I can and help build a land that isn’t laced with anger, despair, or hopelessness, racism and prejudice but a land built on hope and vision for the future.
Real “Truth and Reconciliation” can be achieved. Let’s try and work at it together.
Thank you
Xakiji (Chief) Lee Crowchild